Friday, May 14, 2010

Too Big Too Fast

I swear it was just the other day when Jones was this small! But no he just turned 7. Time goes bye too fast sometimes. On Wednesday we celebrated Jones' 7th birthday. (I still can't believe I have a 7 year old) Anyway we celebrated by letting him stay home from school and going to the Classic Fun Center, and of course I forgot to take the camera. After that we just had a small family get together for cake and ice cream. (The friend party is on Saturday) He had so much fun, he cried when it was time to go to bed because he didn't want it to end.
This is him with his new bike. He loves it and rides it every free minute he gets.

Here they are getting ready to open presents. I love how excited Jaimin was for Jones. Any time Jones would open a gift Jaimin would get so excited and thank everyone.

Here is the cake, my first attempt at fondant. It was more work than I was wanting but I am glad I tried.

This is what happened when he kept coming in and distracting me while I was making the cake.
Jones is such a sweet boy, we are so lucky to have him in our lives. He is one of the most caring boys I have ever met. Jaimin couldn't have a better big brother, he is so patient and understanding of Jaimin. I hope he never changes!!


Aleesha said...

Matt and I were just talking about how fast time is flying by. I want my kids to be my babies forever.

You did an amazing job on that cake! One of these days I'll give fondant a try. Will you come teach me? :)

patti said...

That cake was amazing!! Jones is so handsome. I totally feel you on the whole having a seven year old thing. It's so crazy....I really wish I could just slow things down. I still can't believe there's only 9 days of school left and then Luke's going to be in SECOND grade!