Saturday, January 24, 2009

Spring Fever

So I thought I was the only one getting spring fever. Last week the boys decided it was time to start riding again. It was freezing outside but you know boys, they could care less. They had fun but it didn't last long. Jaimin would get stuck somewhere and would lay on the front of his bike saying "yo help, yo help", it was funny. So besides being ready to ride their bikes, their new thing is to go run laps, for some reason they love it. When we get home they head down the driveway and run around the circle. The other day Jai was in the house and just took off and did 3 or 4 laps of going down the driveway, around the circle, and back up the driveway. By the time he did his last lap he could barley get back up the driveway. I guess it is good for them, maybe I should start doing it with them.

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